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Class jtr.mesh.Face


public class Face
extends Object
Coarse mesh face structure.

Variable Index

 o faces
Adjacent faces.
 o thisface
On faces[i], this face is thisface[i].
 o verts
Indices of our four vertices.
 o vrmlindex
Face's index into an IndexedFaceSet.

Constructor Index

 o Face(Mesh)
Create a face.

Method Index

 o CatClark(int)
Perform Catmull-Clark subdivision on the stencil at level i, based on the stencils at level i-1.
 o GetStencil(int)
Get nth stencil.


 o verts
 public int verts[]
Indices of our four vertices.

 o faces
 public int faces[]
Adjacent faces.

 o thisface
 public int thisface[]
On faces[i], this face is thisface[i].

 o vrmlindex
 public int vrmlindex
Face's index into an IndexedFaceSet.


 o Face
 public Face(Mesh m_)
Create a face. Does not initialize the stencil, as doing so requires the vertex information to be in place.


 o GetStencil
 public Stencil GetStencil(int level)
Get nth stencil. This is a lazy evaluation type of deal... it creates the nth stencil only if it doesn't already exist.

level - level of stencil to return.
the Face's stencil for the given level
 o CatClark
 public void CatClark(int i)
Perform Catmull-Clark subdivision on the stencil at level i, based on the stencils at level i-1.

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